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The Magic of a Spring Forest. When in Spring the New Light is Raining, and when the Colours Begin to Vibrate. Wenn im Frühling Neues Licht Herabregnet, und wenn die Farben zu Vibrieren Beginnen. The Window to the World of Language. Das Fenster zur Welt der Sprache. Sunday Morning by the Harbour. So Many Pictures, so Many Frames.
Just the other day a photoblog. The other day I brought home a bouquet of miniature roses. One fell off, so I put it in a dish. This morning it struck me as especially lovely in the early light. Click on any image to view large as a slideshow. For more information see the flyer. Or visit the Miksang Institute. Web site for details and registration.
Ich freue mich, dass Sie zur Praxis Punctum in Bern gefunden haben. Damit ist der erste und wichtigste Schritt gemacht! Ich biete Ihnen in meiner Praxis Raum und Zeit, um den anstehenden Fragen und Problemstellungen in einem angenehmen und geschützten Rahmen. Biete ich Ihnen um die Situation in allen Facetten und Aspekten zu erfassen. Fach- und Kunstgerecht nutze ich die gewonnenen Informationen um optimale Schritte und Interventionen.
Happy Orbit Around the Sun I love you San Francisco. FOG WHISPERED THROUGH OUR DREAMS.
A few months ago I started a new blog. As somewhere to record general links and discussion of wider software development and other issues. As time has progressed, that blog has become very busy and a virtual centre for my blogging activity, leaving little time to manage this one. I have tried to run both this Stringtree development blog and the new one in parallel. This has proved problematic when posts are potentially appropriate to both.
Inter-IMS Network to Network In. Inter-IMS Network to Network In. Inter-IMS Network to Network In. Cdma2000 High Rate Packet Data .
PurePixie - Vêtements et accessoires bio et écologiques faits main pour jeunes enfants. Vêtements et Accessoires Bio pour Jeunes Enfants. Sets de table bio pour enfants. Et que vos pure petits prendront autant de plaisir à les porter que ses propres enfants.
Raspberry Pi from start to finish. Ended with me waiting for delivery of a surface-mount SWD connector so I could turn a Freescale Kinetis KwikStik K40 into a Segger J-Link compatible debug probe. I placed an order with Farnell UK for an appropriate connector. And it arrived the next day. After reading up, it seems that I might have had better luck had I spread on some extra flux, rather than just relying on the flux core in the solder.